Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Homework due April 25

    Part 1 are the activities done in TownSend Press. This week, you have been assigned chapter 11. You must score a minimum of 50% in the multiple choice activities, for it to be considered complete. If your grade is less than 50%, you can do it again. Please remember that as an instructor I can see how much time you spend on each activity. The activities are due on Mondays at 9:00am. For this week, complete the following activities from chapter 11: 

 • Vocabulary in Context 

• Matching Words with Definitions 

• Sentence Check 1 

• Sentence Check 2 

• Final Check 

Part 2 is a writing assignment where you will include at least 3 of the new vocabulary words from chapter 11. You can also select words from chapter 12 if needed. Your paragraph should be at least five sentences long. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity. At the bottom of your paragraph, please tell me which 3 words you used. 

Role: College newspaper reporter

Audience: College students

Format: Top 5 List

Topic: List of 5 things to do to get ready for the next semester. This can be a list


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Here are five strategies to be ready for a next semester.
      1. Before the first day of class, get your textbooks and compile them.
      2. Adhere a plan of work.
      3. Never alienate objectives.
      4. Take control of the situation even you are affluent.
      5. Asses the necessary adjustments to your new routine.
      I used the words: Compile, Adhere, Alienate and Asses

    2. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Hawa
      TownSend Press 100/50
      Vocabulary 30/30 -You wrote down 4 words, but I actually found 5!
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Excellent Hawa! Total: 100%

  2. The new semester is about to start and I would line to give you 5 recommendations so you can get ready for next semester. First, try to be responsible and do all your homework. Second, don’t waste your money in absurd things remember that you will have unexpected expenses. Third, compile a list of all your classes and materials you’ll need. Fourth, if you come from an affluent family never look with contempt to those who don’t. Fifth, be kind and respectful. I could give you more advices but never end my article. But try to think of this few things and follow them, and you’ll have a great semester.

    Words: absurd, compile, affluent and contempt

  3. The new semester is about to start and I would like to give you 5 recommendations so you can get ready for next semester. First, try to be responsible and do all your homework. Second, don’t waste your money in absurd things remember that you will have unexpected expenses. Third, compile a list of all your classes and materials you’ll need. Fourth, if you come from an affluent family never look with contempt to those who don’t. Fifth, be kind and respectful. I could give you more advices but never end my article. But try to think of this few things and follow them, and you’ll have a great semester.

    Words: absurd, compile, affluent and contempt

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Hawa
      TownSend Press 100/50
      Vocabulary 30/30 -You wrote down 4 words, but I actually found 5!
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Excellent Hawa! Total: 100%

  4. Here Are Five Important Keys To Be Ready For Next Semister
    1)I Will Adhere To The Terms Of ther semister Requirement
    2)I Will Compile All Books Together according to syllabus
    3)I Will Be Mentaly Make My self Ready For Any Project receive by college
    4)I Will Be Helpful To Any College Campus Work
    5)The Last Thing Is I Will Prepare For Further Studies And Excited To Learn New Things
    I use Words Compile,Adhere

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Sharmin
      TownSend Press 47/50
      Vocabulary 20 /30 You only used 2 words Sharmin
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Total: 87%

  5. 1. I am going to assess my English level so that I can choose my major.
    2. I am going to take face to face course to avoid alienating my classmates.
    3. I have been compiling some material for my essay before next semester.
    4 I am going to endure my defects in studying manners before next semester.
    5. I will enhance my doctrine belief.
    I’ve used five words that they are assess, defect, doctrine, alienate, and compile.

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Robert
      TownSend Press 50 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Fantastic work Robert! Total: 100%

  6. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Jing
    TownSend Press 43 /50
    Vocabulary 30 /30
    Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
    Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
    Comments: Total: 93%

  7. To,
    My college students:
    Here are the below mentioned goals you need to achieve for the new semester.Please make sure you follow them for your new semester

    1)You should be punctual in your class daily.
    2)You need to be polite in your behavior and make sure you don't use absurd language with your classmates.
    3)You should compile all your assignments together and submit them on time.
    4)You should help each other in your classes and not find any defect in others.
    5)You should follow the doctrine and principles of your lecturer.
    6)You will be assessed based on your overall semester performance.
    (I have used the words compile,doctrine,assess,absurd,defect)

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Fazila
      TownSend Press 47/50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Excellent work on all 5 vocab words! Total: 97%

  8. To: College students
    If you want to have a successful semester, here is a list of advices for this new semester:
    1. Compile a list of "to do" and goals you have for this semester and try to adhere to it.
    2. If you plan to become affluent, do not waste your money in absurd things.
    3. Try not to contempt your teachers and your classmates.
    4. Remember to relax at least one day of the week.
    5. Try to help your classmates whenever you can.

    (compile, adhere, affluent, absurd, contempt)

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Tania
      TownSend Press 47 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 9/10 – “advice” is non count. It should always be written as singular
      Comments: Good job! Total: 96%

  9. Here are 5 tips for preparing for the start of the semester and what's to come:
    1. The first step to managing your stress throughout the school year is to be in control of your academic responsibilities.
    2. Don’t wait until you receive your first reading assignment to head to the bookstore.
    3. All students must adhere to class rules.
    4. This semester will probably inspire you to alienate school, work, and life-long ambitions.
    5. This semester admissions committee will use a variety of factors to assess a potential student.

    Key words: Adhere, Alienate and Asses

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Ezizmyrat
      TownSend Press 50 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Excellent! Total: 100%

  10. Here are 5 tips before the start of semester:
    1) Compile all the important books and the information
    2) Be focused and alienate the stress ; exercise daily
    3) Do not try to be dogmatic; listen to everyone
    4) Don’t assess your classmates by their appearance ajd
    5) Do not contempt your teacher

    1. Words used : compile , alienate , dogmatic , assess , contempt

    2. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Saniya
      TownSend Press 49/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30 – the only problem was with “contempt” which is not a verb. Your other 4 words were used correctly.
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Total: 99%

  11. Here are 5 tips before the start of semester:
    1.I have to be adhere in my presentation.
    2.Don't contempt anybodies arguments.
    3.Don't assess your teachers opinions.
    4.Compile all the important work at one place.
    5.Don't take dogmatic decision in your class.

    WORDS.adhere,contempt,assess,compile,and dogmatic.
    Humera Charania

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Humera
      TownSend Press 32/50
      Vocabulary 30/30 – “Adhere” and “contempt” were not used correctly. The other 3 words were used well.
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Total: 82%

  12. Here are 5 tips before the start of the semester:
    1) Don't afraid to ask for a help. There is always someone who can assess you.
    2) Take breaks when you need.
    3) Most importanly, never contempt with your professor.
    4) Find your major before starting your semester.
    5) Don't afraid to make a defect.

    By Nursultan

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Nursultan
      TownSend Press 43 /50
      Vocabulary 10 /30 – assess was used correctly, but contempt and defect were not.
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Total: 73%

  13. Here are the five rules for next semester.
    1- Do not contempt a professor or classmates.
    2- Please doctrine your friends who need help in assignments.
    3- Do not assess any classmates with his color.
    4- Do not use elevator for next week they are defected.
    5- Adhere with your class if you miss any classes.
    WORDS- Contempt,Doctrine,Assess,Defected,Adhere.

    1. Homework due 4-25-22 Student: Danish
      TownSend Press 31/50
      Vocabulary 20 /30 – “adhere”, “contempt” and “doctrine” were not used correctly. The other 2 were.
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Total: 71%


Homework due April 25

     Part 1  are the activities done in TownSend Press. This week, you have been assigned chapter 11. You must score a minimum of 50% in the...