Saturday, January 22, 2022

Homework due: Jan 31st

  Homework Due: Monday January 31st at 9:00am 

Part 1: Log into TownSend Press and complete the following activities from the book Building Vocabulary Skills:

Chapter 1

·       Vocabulary in Context

·       Matching Words with Definitions

·       Sentence Check 1

·       Sentence Check 2

·       Final Check

Part 2: This is a writing assignment where you will include at least 3 of the vocabulary words from chapter 1. Your paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity. At the bottom of your paragraph, please tell me which 3 words you used. 

Role – School director

Audience – Parents of high school students

Format – Letter

Topic – Tell parents that the teenagers in your high school need to stop watching violent TV shows and movies.


  1. Dear Parents,
    As a director of the school,my advice to all parents is to keep an eye on your children so that they do not watch violent TV shows and movies.Watching such shows will affect their mind and damage their future.They should comply with the rules and regulations of the school. If not followed, it will compell me to resticate such students from the school.
    Lastly,its the duty of the parents to explain the kids the consequences of watching bad shows,so that they refrain from watching themselves.

    Yours Faithfully,
    School Director

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Fazila
      TownSend Press 25/50
      Vocabulary 20/30 Correctly used: comply and Compel
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Please try harder with TownSend Press. Don’t forget that you are allowed to redo the activities with a low score. You also only used 2 vocabulary words. You do have one comma splice error. However, we did not learn about comma splices until after you submitted the homework. I will not count it. Total: 64%

  2. Averting More Screen Time
    Hello everyone, I’m Robert, a superintendent of Clements High School. In this presentation, I want to talk about teens who watch violent TV shows and play violent video games are more likely to be bad behaviors.
    Firstly, violent TV shows compel teens are more likely to be aggressive. Many violent acts are done by heroes whom teens are educated to admire. In fact, often the good guys win by fighting with the bad man. This can confuse kids trying to choose an alternative between right and wrong. Parents should let them know violent acts whoever performs are bad thing.
    Second, young people are easily frightened by violent images. Violence, such as blood, killing, and fighting must compel them having behavior problems, nightmares and trouble sleeping. Parents need acknowledge that violent TV shows are appropriate entertainment for adult.
    Finally, forceful programs often show behaviors like drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking cigars, and having sex at young age as cool, fun and exciting. Teens might be tempted to try them when those things seem acceptable. That might lead young people to abuse drugs, and to start sexual activity earlier.
    In short, screen time for violent TV shows and video games needs to avert for kids. To be candid, getting enough sleep and physically active are more drastic than watching TV and playing games.

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Robert
      TownSend Press 50 /50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Fantastic work Robert! No compound sentence errors. You used 6 of the new words and some of them you used more than once. I’m impressed! Total: 100

  3. Respected parents,
    Today in this meeting, I would like to discuss about the children being diverted from their studies. It’s crucial for the children to focus on their education rahter watching television. As parents you all need to compel strict rules at home so the kids do not watch the shows that avert them from their goal. Hope you all comply with my talk and make sure that our youths are well behaved and disciplined always.

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Saniya
      TownSend Press 40 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Well done Saniya! You do have one comma splice error. However, we did not learn about comma splices until after you submitted the homework. I will not count it. Total: 90%

  4. I have use the words avert, compel, acknowledge, alternative, appropriate, and candid.

  5. Dear Parents of high school students,

    The high school's teenagers must stop from watching violent television series and films.
    First, Children have always learned how to act in the world from the stories of their time, and today's media are storytellers as well; As a parent, you must take charge of your child's life. For example: Reduce the amount of time you spend exposed to violence in the media with setting limitations on how much and what your children watch can help you achieve this. Another option to keep tabs on what your kids watch is to record appropriate programming for them to watch on their own.
    Second, you must change the influence of violent images that are seen as a parent. For example, the greatest method to help children cope with violent television is to watch it with them and discuss it with them and find out what they do and don't understand.
    Third, Find and investigate nonviolent conflict resolution alternatives to the media. Example: To contrast the acts and attitudes of today's violent superheroes, look for TV shows, films, and books that present positive role models.

    In conclusion, compel them to restrict the amount of violence they watch, and also remember to praise and acknowledge what's excellent positive feedback can help keep effective, nonviolent initiatives alive.

    Sincerely School Director.

    (Hawa. I used the words: Appropriate; Alternative; Compel and Acknowledge).

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Hawa
      TownSend Press 48/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Excellent work Hawa! You really went above and beyond. Your text was very well organized and you used the vocabulary words well. Total: 98%

  6. January 30, 2022

    Dear Parents or Guardians,

    I am writing this letter to notify you that the teenagers need to stop watching violent TV shows and movies. The number of fights between the students has increased this year. Evidently, violent TV shows and movies are not appropriate for their age. Many teenagers are immature and take drastic actions. Therefore, they will act aggressively, because they are under the influence of violence that they watch. So, I want to advise you not to allow your children to watch violent TV shows and movies. As alternative, you can let them watch other category, as comedy, love, action, and other.


    Tania Siu
    Director of Houston High School

    (Appropriate, drastic, alternative)

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Tania
      TownSend Press 40 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: My only correction is to say “as an alternative” instead of “as alternative”. Everything looks good! Total: 90%

  7. Dear Parents,

    Receive a kind greeting from our institution and I am reaching to you in a concise message. Recently we have been having too many issues with our high school students and violent behavior. We have no other alternative to beg you to take actions at home. We need you to stop your kids from watching violent TV shows and movies. Also, we will be taking drastic measures at our institution with the students that don’t comply with our no violence rules. We hope to make a radical change and form better citizens and professionals. Any comments or questions feel free to contact us.

    Karen Lopez
    School Director

    Vocabulary words: 1. concise 2. alternative, 3. drastic, 4. comply

    1. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Karen
      TownSend Press 45 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Great work Karen! Your message is very serious! I would be scared to read it if I were a parent at your school! Total: 95%

  8. Homework due 1-31-22 Student: Jing
    TownSend Press 48/50
    Vocabulary 30 /30
    Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
    Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
    Comments: Hey Jing! The 4 words you identified were used correctly. However, you also used the word “avert”, but you didn’t put it in your list. The only thing is that you did not use “avert” correctly. You said “avert to avoid” which does not make sense as “avert” and “avoid” are very similar. Everything else looks great! Total: 98%


Homework due April 25

     Part 1  are the activities done in TownSend Press. This week, you have been assigned chapter 11. You must score a minimum of 50% in the...