Monday, January 31, 2022

Homework due Feb 7th

  Homework Due: Monday February 7th at 9:00am 

Part 1: Log into TownSend Press and complete the following activities from the book Building Vocabulary Skills:

Chapter 2

·       Vocabulary in Context

·       Matching Words with Definitions

·       Sentence Check 1

·       Sentence Check 2

·       Final Check

Part 2: This is a writing assignment where you will include at least 3 of the vocabulary words from chapter 2. You can also select words from chapter 6 if needed. Your paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity. At the bottom of your paragraph, please tell me which 3 words you used. 

Role – Modern day president 

Audience – Citizens of his/her country 

Format – Speech 

Topic – How we should all help the people affected by the hurricane. 


  1. Ladies and Gentlemen:
    I’m Robert, Prime Minister of Grenada. In this dialogue, I’m talking about that Hurricane Ivan struck the coast of Grenada, resulting in an estimated $600 million is loss. Deaths attributed to the Ivan were probably 30 persons, While the infrastructure were destroyed, and crop losses were estimated at twice of GDP. The Ivan made us extensive forfeiture.
    I am standing here and promising that our government ensures folks on Medicare you need, and make sure disaster victims get help and get first. Refuges for folks who suffered hazard will be built as soon as possible. Foods and refresh water are also fast delivered. There’s mush be done in critical needs and areas.
    Our country is a mountainous topography, with only 3 percent land area located at sea level. Main urbans and significant socio- economic facilities are built along the coast, making Grenada especially vulnerable to Hurricane.
    Government of Grenada has taken programs to fortify our country’s disaster risk management and improve strategies to promote resilient preparation.
    Our government commits including:
    Constructing a program for emergency and disaster reply to warrant effective resource submission in the event of hurricane; Improving institutional potential to plan and reply to natural hazard; and fortifying the realizing of natural hazard and climate change risk.
    Let’s working together to build our beautiful country back better!

    I have used 6 words of chapter 2 in this dialogue.

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Robert
      TownSend Press 50 /50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Please make sure to write which words you used at the bottom of the paragraph. You said you used 6 words, but the only ones I found were: dialogue, forfeit, refuge and fortify. These were all used correctly. Total: 100%

  2. Dear Citizens,
    I'm Fazila,Prime Minister of USA.As you are,all aware about the Hurricane ,which has affected the rural as well as urban cities of USA.As a president of the country,I hereby appeal to all my citizens that we should stand united & help all those ppl affected badly due to Hurricane.
    Firstly,we should provide refuge,to all those who have become homeless.Also, we should help in providing food,medicines,blankets & all other essential commodities.Illuminate the houses of those families,where there is darkness.
    Secondly,organize a fund donation camp extensively,so that all those badly affected by the Hurricane can avail the benefit of it.
    Lastly,as the President of the country,my dialogues should be spread worldwide,4 ppl to come forward & help everyone during this natural disaster.


    (I have used 5 words they are: Urban,refuge,Illuminate,extensive,dialogue)

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Fazila
      TownSend Press 45/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 9/10
      Comments: Great work Fazila! I specially liked how well you used transitions. Please remember not to use abbreviations in formal writing. All 5 words were used correctly. Well done! Total: 94%

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello citizens of Honduras, I am Tania Siu, president of the country. Today in this presentation, I want to inform you about the extensive disaster that the hurricane has left in our country. Both, the urban and the rural areas of the east coast of Honduras were affected, and many people need refuges, foods, clothes, and medicine. Thus, I want to request for your assistance with any extra food, cloth, and medicine that you may have. You can also help by gathering in small groups, in which some groups can prepare food, whereas others can prepare medical kits to distribute them easily. Additionally, we had a dialogue with the presidents from another countries to ask them for help, and they agreed to support us. Furthermore, they are going to help us built and fortify some homes and illuminate the streets. Therefore, I want to call on those who were affected and need aids to contact the authorities in your county. I hope we can all get through this difficult time. Thank you all and stay safe.
    (Dialogue, extensive, fortify, illuminate, refuge, urban)

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Tania
      TownSend Press 44/50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Well done Tania! You correctly used 5 of the vocabulary words. The only one that needs to be fixed is “refuge”. You added an extra S at the end. Everything else was well done! Total: 94

  5. Hello my dear people,
    I hope everyone is doing good. I know the situation is not good for any of the long dialogues;but I just wanted my people to be together and illuminate others life also by helping each other and being together. There are a lot of people who help each other but, I want rest of the people to fortify homes for the needy and by making sure that everyone lives peacefully in this situation
    Thank you
    (Illuminate, dialogue, fortify)

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Sonya
      TownSend Press 36/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 6 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Hi Sonya! You correctly used the vocabulary words, but your paragraph is only 3 sentences long. Please make sure it is at least 5 sentences long next time. Total: 82%

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, in this dialogue, I want my audience to be informed and understand more about hurricanes, which are natural disasters.
    Hurricanes are one of nature's most powerful and destructive storms. They can be dangerous to humans and animals.
    I'm going to talk about hurricanes today. Hurricanes are among the most powerful and destructive storms in nature. We've all heard, seen, and read about the devastation that hurricanes leave behind whenever they make landfall.
    the questions, what is being done to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable in our country GUINEA CONAKRY?
    The first thing I should do as a president to help people affected by hurricane in the urban, it is a double-check that everyone is safe and get a refuge. Make sure to get in contact with them after the storm to make sure everyone is safe and Emergency situations necessitate immediate access.
    Second, the government of GUINEA has taken programs to fortify our country's calamity to manage an emergency response project targeting people affected by the hurricane. Purchase the necessities, such as food, water, medicine, and equipment, from trusted and well-known supply networks. Purchase items from local area to aid in the recovery of the economy and Save resources for when they're most required.
    finally, Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to contribute to recovery efforts while also allowing them to assist in their own neighborhood, check with local agencies to see if they're sending volunteers to the affected areas, or contact a local agency to see if they're seeking for volunteers.
    President Hawa.
    (Dialogue; Urban; Refuge and Fortify)

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Hawa
      TownSend Press 35 /50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: You correctly used “dialogue”, “urban” and “fortify”. As for the word “urban”, please remember that this is an adjective. You can say “hurricane in the urban areas” but not “hurricane in the urban”. The idea sounds incomplete. I like your ideas Hawa! You did a good job explaining what happened to your people! Total: 85%

  7. Hi,
    I'm Humera,president of Pakistan. I would like to give my heartiest condolence to all my citizens who are effected from hurricane. In my dialogue please don't feel any thing wrong but it is urge to all kindly isolate your self &families b/c it is very dangerous if you will not give attention about this hurricane. If someone are refuge or from urban areas please immediately contact our volunteers so they can help you to get better place.

    I have used 4 vocabulary words which are:urban, refuge, dialogue & isolate.

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Humera
      TownSend Press 34 /50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 9/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 9/10
      Comments: You correctly used “urban”, “dialogue” and “isolate”. However, you did not use “refuge” correctly. Refuge is a noun. So you could say that someone is in need of refuge. If you want to use to describe a person, you would say that person is a refugee. You also only wrote 4 sentences. Make sure not to use symbols in formal writing. Total: 82%

  8. Hello My lovely citizens
    I am Ushi, president of the country.
    I would like to inform you about what happened last night. I am sorry for the great disaster that last night's hurricane has left in our country. It will take several months for the city to clean up the major damage caused by the hurricane. Our citizens living in the west of our country need many materials. As of today, our country has started to provide refuge, food, clothes, and medicine to our citizens. We expect your common sense citizens to help us in this regard. We also established a dialogue with the heads of neighboring countries and they said that they will help us as soon as possible. I sincerely believe that we will get through this difficult period together in the best way possible.


    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Ushi/Ezizmyrat
      TownSend Press 42 /50
      Vocabulary 20 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Please make sure to follow the instructions and write down which 3 vocabulary words you use din the paragraph. The only 2 words I found were “refuge” and “dialogue” Total: 82%

  9. Hello dear citizens, I want to begin saying that this tragic event causes deeply pain and sadness in my heart. As president I want to tell you we will be working for extensive hours to help everyone. There is a refuge open in each school of the city. We are also making every effort to illuminate the city so its easier to take help. Medical help is available in most of our health centers and food is being handed to the victims in every market. We will stand up again, this situation will fortify us. Keep safe and remember to be helpful to you neighbors.

    Words: 1. Extensive 2. Refuge 3. Illuminate 4. Fortify

    1. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Karen
      TownSend Press 47/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10 /10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Great work Karen! You used all of the vocabulary words correctly. The people in your country are happy! Total: 97%

  10. Homework due 2-7-22 Student: Jing
    TownSend Press 47/50
    Vocabulary 30 /30
    Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
    Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
    Comments: Great work Jing! All vocabulary words were used correctly. Total: 97%


Homework due April 25

     Part 1  are the activities done in TownSend Press. This week, you have been assigned chapter 11. You must score a minimum of 50% in the...