Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Homework due Feb. 14th

Part 1: Log into TownSend Press and complete the following activities from the book Building Vocabulary Skills:

Chapter 2

·       Vocabulary in Context

·       Matching Words with Definitions

·       Sentence Check 1

·       Sentence Check 2

·       Final Check

Part 2: This is a writing assignment where you will include at least 3 of the vocabulary words from chapter 3. You can also select words from chapter 6 if needed. Your paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity. At the bottom of your paragraph, please tell me which 3 words you used. 

Role – Self 

Audience – Self 

Format – Diary entry 

Topic – Went on a bad first date. This could be a date with a romantic partner or a date with a friend.  


  1. Wednesday February 9th (Sunny)
    It was awful date today. I dated Ms. Jia to go jogging in River Park at 6:30 P.M. She felt breathing difficulties while we just ran 10 minutes. And then she sat on the ground with paling and panting. I was nervous and naive about that. I ask what I can do to undermine her symptoms. She said she has even been allergic to pollen. To be overt, this was allergic reaction, but I was menaced, and I didn’t know how to treat it. She said she took a rest and would be fine. She had got better after 20 minutes. I regret I haven’t known nothing about how to treat someone who are in emergency allergy. She told me didn’t care it while on our way home, but I apologized to her. Jia is lenient. I should learn some knowledge about allergy tonight.

    I have used 5 words from Chapter 3. They are naive, undermine, menace, overt, and lenient.

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Robert
      TownSend Press 50/50
      Vocabulary 20/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: You used “naïve” and “lenient” correctly, but the other words need to be fixed. First of all, “undermine” is when you dig a hole underneath something to make it weaker or even to make it collapse, or to make it less effective or less powerful. For example, you can undermine a person of authority by not following the rules and making them doubt themselves. Then the word “overt” means to be open. Then the word “menace” can only be used as noun or a verb. It means something that is dangerous and can hurt you. I really appreciate your working hard on the new vocabulary. Although you did not get them all correct this time, I know you are learning a lot! Total: 90%

  2. I had my first date with Mr Salman on Valentine's day.Firstly ,I had no intention on going for a date but,my parents insisted me and boosted my morale to meet him with the intention of getting married.
    Mr Salman,arrived late at the meeting spot and made me wait for more than an hour,which undermined my confidence level as,I was already very nervous. On meeting me he didn't seemed happy and asked me to delete all the photos sent by his mother to me.I couldn't understand what were his intentions.
    Finally,very leniently he told me,that he had no intention of marrying me and that his parents had forcefully sent him to meet me.He told me his aim in life,was presently to concentrate on his career.
    Lastly,with due integrity he apologized to me for being so frank,but I had no grudges nor any complaints about him.Thus my first date was a very embarrassing one.I will remember this throughout my lifetime.

    I have used 5 words Morale,Integrity,undermined,delete,lenient.

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Fazila
      TownSend Press 43/50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Well done on your work Fazila. You used 4 words correctly. The only one you need to revise is the word “lenient”. A person that is lenient is a person that should punish you but decides not to punish you too much. Total: 93%

  3. February 12, 2022 (Saturday, 20:00)

    Dear Diary,

    Today, I had a bad day. I hang out with my friend, Carlos. We planned to go out and have fun since we haven't had seen each other for years. In the morning, our morale was high because we were going to have fun. When we arrived at the mall, we decided to go to an electronic store. Later, a man accused us with security that we wanted to steal some products. The security man was not impartial, and he started to question our integrity by believing that guy without any proof. We asked the manager to look up the security cameras, and they realize that the man was the one stealing the store. The security guy was so naive to believe that man. In the end, it was so awkward that I wanted to delete this day.

    (Morale, integrity, impartial, delete, naive)

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Tania
      TownSend Press 46/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Excellent work Tania! You correctly used all 5 vocabulary words! Total: 96%

  4. Dear Diary,
    I feel very blessed today. I met one of my old friend today. We both lost contact and all the even the pictures/memories were deleted from the phone. I was happy meeting her and we both had a long conversation . It was legitimate for her to blame me for not being in contact with her. We went to restaurant had delicious dinner enjoyed the time together. I was curious seeing her, because she was totally a different person since I know her. By seeing her , my morale was high and am glad that i have such a pure friend.
    (Deleted, legitimate,morale)

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Saniya
      TownSend Press 39/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Great work Saniya! You used all 3 words correctly! Total: 89%

  5. Dear diary,
    Today I’m not feeling happy. I want to delete this day. I went on my first date with Walter to a beautiful restaurant. Everything was so amazing at first, but everything went upside down. I changed our morale of the date by spilling my drink on the table and dropping my plate to the floor. It was so embarrassing. I know my reaction was overt because I began crying and people stared at me. On the good side is that Walter didn’t stop laughing all night. I hope he will forget this date soon.

    Words: 1. delete 2. morale 3. overt

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Karen
      TownSend Press 49 /50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Excellent work Karen! You used all 3 vocabulary words correctly. Well done! Total: 99%

  6. My first date seems like it happened yesterday. I remember getting ready for my date and waiting impatiently since I was so excited for where we were going that night. It was wonderful date on January 23th 2022. I dated Mr. Jr to go diner in sea foods restaurant at 8:28 P.M. He was amazing and asking me a lot of questions about my cultures and my families. Then he said he want to marry me. I asked myself what I can say. I couldn't stop smiling because I was so happy, in the same time I was nervous and naive about that. Because he told me that he has to travel. Automatically, it put our relationship into doubt, and then it undermined the basic so greatly that our relationship was no longer safe. It’s made me a menaced on the road when he takes me back home. I am a character judge who is impartial, I distrust everyone equally, without exception. I'm not a lenient person. I think I'm done with dating.
    I used 5 words(chpter3) Nervous; Naïve; Menace; Impartial and Lenient.

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Hawa
      TownSend Press 43 /50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10 /10
      Comments: Great work Hawa! You had a spelling mistake with the word “menace”, but everything else was done right. It was funny too! Total: 93%

  7. Today I went to date with my husband we went to restaurant where we had good time but due to some reason I was upset my husband was very lenient and he told me what happen I show him some messages send by unknown person he told me to relax and delete all these messages and he told me to keep the moral high and don't get upset from these kind of messages it was really a good boost for me to be confident in life and that was a great gift for me.

    I have used 3 vocabulary words. Moral, delete, and lenient

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Humera
      TownSend Press 40/50
      Vocabulary 30/30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 5/10
      Comments: Thanks for submitting your work Humera. I took points of for grammar as you have not separated your ideas into sentences. The whole paragraph is one long sentence. As for vocabulary, you correctly used all 3 words. Well done! Total: 85%

  8. I had one friend whose cousin came over from Canada. She was very beautiful. We went to a restaurant one day and at first sight I felt in love with her. Without asking my friend about her I started flirting her and started talking to her. My friend knew I’m flirting with her cousins but he didn’t told me anything about her and he kept laughing at me. I talked to her cousin around 1 hour . Than while leaving from the restaurant my friend told me in front of her cousin that he noticed I was flirting with her cousin but she recently got engaged. I had to apologize to her and I I felt so much awkward and nervous especially from shame and embarrassment that after that I didn’t speak a single world while going back home. It changed the whole model of the day for me. It was awkward but I couldn’t delete that day my memory and whenever me and my friends talk about that we keep laughing.

    I have used words delete,morale and nervous.

    1. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Danish
      TownSend Press 0/50
      Vocabulary 30 /30
      Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
      Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
      Comments: Well done with your paragraph Danish! You only had one spelling/typing error with the word “menace”. Your grade is low because you did not complete TownSend Press. Total: 50%

  9. Homework due 2-14-22 Student: Jing
    TownSend Press 44/50
    Vocabulary 20/30
    Length (5+ sentences) 10/10
    Grammar, punctuation & clarity 10/10
    Comments: Good work on this paragraph Jing! The only error you have is in the word “morale”. This is a noun. You tried to use it as an adjective. You can have high morale or low morale, but you cannot “be morale”. Total: 88%


Homework due April 25

     Part 1  are the activities done in TownSend Press. This week, you have been assigned chapter 11. You must score a minimum of 50% in the...